Malwares are increasing on phenomenon pace everyday there is a new malware hitting our PC’s. They usually use internet to reach our systems. At the same time leading internet browsers are enhancing there security to cope up with ever increasing malwares. I wonder is there any browser which can give me 100% security the answer is NO. There isn’t any browser which promises 100% security but new Internet Explorer can secure you from 81% of threats. A recent research by “Larry Seltzer” proved IE8 as one of most secure browser out there Firefox stood second with 29% safari third with 21% and chrome can only secure you from 7% of malwares. It shows the Microsoft is doing really great with its browser security and keep on updating it. On the other why other browser aren’t that safe basically all of them relying on Google Safe Browsing API, which isn’t enough for today’s threats. So its high time for all browsers to ponder over the matter and enhance there security feature to provide users with happy and safe browsing.Source URL:
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